At Satvik Sadan one gets an opportunity for guidance to learn and practice deeper aspects of ancient and authentic Indian spiritual disciplines,
In India the spiritual disciplines have much more meaning than just postures. Ancient Indian refers to taking up of those means which help an individual soul realize its divinity. The principal approaches to spiritual consciousness are :
Gyan yoga – the knowledge path
Bhakti yoga – the devotion path Read more
Karma yoga – absorbed in diligent work bereft of personal stake.
Raja yoga – the discipline leading to meditative absorption
Hatha yoga – the discipline of bodily postures & breathing techniques
Kundalini yoga – the awakening of inherent spiritual energy
Tantra yoga Read more
Please contact us to book – Contact info
The western reach of Indian spirituality has by and large been limited to the bodily postures or and chanting. All the varied yoga styles that have mushroomed in western countries are simply variations of ancient Indian hatha yoga. The individual exponents for marketing and branding reasons named their individual modifications of the hatha yoga techniques by separate names. This has led many non scholars to think of such modified and individualized hatha yogic techniques as different types of yoga.
At Satvik Sadan one gets an opportunity for guidance to learn and practice deeper aspects of ancient and authentic Indian yoga, meditation and spirituality.
Though yoga study is an infinite process, for practical reasons, we allow you whether yoga / meditation/ spirituality beginners, or senior practitioners or even aspiring yoga / spiritual aspirant to come and stay for a duration as determined by us to learn authentic yoga/ Indian spirituality. Minimum expected stay is for a month.
We primarily encourage those who wish to take up yoga for their own spiritual development without the need to be an instructor or demonstrator.
Stay inclusive of independent accommodation and all meals.
However no fee no tariff
The teaching has no set fee except whatever the student gives voluntarily based on her/his ability and willingness. This covers the cost of accommodation and helps preserve the facility for future attendees, by covering, your own cost of accommodation including such things as maintenance and staffing, etc
The program is set up this way in accordance with the ancient tradition of wisdom transfer from teacher to worthy recipient. Only the recipient of such an experience can set a value for the change that such experience makes in one’s life.
Each student gets guidance as per his or her level. Upon receiving permission from us, the student can arrive by letting us know the date and duration of stay.
Details about Shukl’acharya are mentioned on Shuklacharya’s website.
Each student gets guidance as per his or her level Upon receiving permission from us, the student can arrive by letting us know the date and duration of stay.
Yoga Alliance – There are some who seek to be certified by Yoga Alliance in their countries.. While we have no affiliation with them nor registered with them, nor encourage students learning short duration courses with the aim of using it as a vocation, we find that those of our students who qualified from here in the past, got certified by Yoga Alliance on producing our certificate. Shukl’acharya strongly feels, as has been mentioned in the ancient texts, that no student of yoga should teach till the practices undertaken have finally culminated in the manifestation of ‘antar naad’, representing the unfolding of the coiled up kundalini spiritual energy and merging into higher consciousness.
Satvik Sadan, designed to nurture body, mind and spirit. is an ideal vedic retreat in Himalayas at a height of 4,700 feet above sea level, just outside the lake town of Bhimtal. Built on part of the legendary Chyawan Rishi Ashram, the retreat offers a stunning panoramic view of the mountains of Karkotak in the North, the ancient Gargi River in the south, and the majestic Mount Haidakhand Kailash above Haidakhan Babaji’s principal ashram in the East – revered as one of the holiest places in India.
For one well versed with Yogic & Vedic traditions, the supreme significance of the location would be clear. For others, the following lines explain the significance.
Kumaon region of Himalayas in which Nainital falls is believed to be the seat and birth place of yoga. Though we are on a main road leading to Bhimtal, the very strong vibrations present here have facilitated the progress of many aspirants.
Yoga, as mentioned above, is much more than postures, and, is a deeply spiritual path, Therefore Satvik Sadan was chosen for its proximity to the hermitages of Himalayan Masters and the highly vibrant surrounding mountains.
Please feel free to write to us for any questions alongwith your personal particulars, contact details, knowledge of yoga and reason for taking up this course.
Kindly note: The stay requires a high degree of self discipline. Satvik Sadan does not allow any form of tobacco or intoxicants. Simple vegetarian, nutritious meals are provided here, no outside cooked food is permitted. Use of the phone / gadgets should not be audible outside the participants room. As the property is located amidst semi forest area, visiting people are not expected to venture outside the premises before sunrise or after sunset as a rule.
We provide independent room accommodation with attached modern toilet and shower, vegetarian food and laundry services. We do not provide any medication, hair dryer or toilet rolls.
Only those with prior approval are accepted to stay here and that too subject to termination of we don’t think your stay is conducive to spiritual growth. To facilitate your participation please fill in the following details: If we are satisfied with your application then it will be followed by a video call interview before you get approval to stay here.
1. Your name
2. Your gender
3. Your age
4.Your medical fitness. Disclosure of medical issues
5. Any previous knowledge of Indian spiritual disciplines. If yes, then please mention briefly.
6. Spiritual path guidance sought in? (Not necessary to answer this, if you are not sure)
7. Your objectives of doing this stay.
8. Your expectations from the stay
9. Your contact details
Mostly the guidance is offered within a covered hall, but weather permitting it is conducted in the open as well.
Shukl’acharya’s guidance range covers the following areas.
- Gyan yoga – the knowledge path
- Bhakti yoga – the devotion path
- Karma yoga – absorbed in diligent work bereft of personal stake.
- Raja yoga – the discipline leading to meditative absorption
- Hatha yoga – the discipline of bodily postures & breathing techniques – Shukl’acharya – “Authentic training in yogic postures and breathing techniques doesn’t mean back breaking or forced body contortions, but guidance by a true teacher to such bodily movements which gently allow the pranic (life force) energy to flow in a balanced and harmonious way throughout the body. Not a group exercise class, but customized guidance to each aspirant to allow them to reach their full potential at a suitable pace. “
- Kundalini yoga – the awakening of inherent spiritual energy
- Tantra yoga
- Basic ayurveda- 5 elements, 3 dosha, 6 tastes. Understanding of balancing through food, lifestyle, and yoga practice.
- Ayurvedic Satvik cuisine- knowledge and skill of preparing Satvik cuisine to balance doshas
Feedback from some of our students:
Comments of Margarita Vergara international transpersonal art therapist, hatha yoga teacher and writer stayed with her partner Michael Schmidt, mechanical engineer from Germany, for 6 weeks in April and May 2012
This place is to me a portal for humanity. I came here with my partner to reconnect and deepen our yoga-asana practice and knowledge.
I am deeply grateful for what happened in these 6 weeks. I feel I grounded myself, coming back to reality. At all times I felt looked after and safe. As a couple it was a great experience, we shared the learning of a language/code together. (webmaster’s note – by language/ code, she refers to the spiritual communication)
In a very simple and human way, Samrita and Shukl’acharya gave us everything we needed at the time. Personally, I was full of fear when I arrived to the Satvik, and by the time I left I was in balance. And thats a lot to say.
The food was incredibly amazing, the room beautiful and harmonic, the staff polite and friendly, and the teachings eye opening and enlightening. The place is easy to access, we took a train from Delhi and we had a taxi (arranged by the Satvik) waiting for us at the train station. But you can also get a taxi from the airport.
Words really dont make up for it, but they give a hint. In few words> my heart opened with this experience.
I am happy to be contacted by anyone wanting to come to the Satvik, just ask Shukl’acharya and Samrita for my email.
Comments of Ruben Jara- San Diego California USA
I came to the Satvik Sadan in July of 2011 for a four month spiritual retreat.
With little words possible…it has been a life changing experience. I have learned, felt, and discovered so much about spirituality, health, nutrition, yoga postures, meditation, and most importantly the balance of earth and space (by this I mean the balance between your duty on this earth and to the universe or “god”).
For those who are interested in attending Satvik Sadan, I highly recommend it
As the spiritual teacher says, you arrive there because you were meant to be there. And, I personally agree. It is a whirlwind of new knowledge and appreciation to life.
This place is run by an amazing and very educated Indian couple.
It is a safe location, secure and safe transportation can be facilitated from Delhi, the location is on a great hillside in the Himalayan mountains on the outskirts of a quaint lake town. But what is at best is the retreat center…it holds amazing nurturing energies and vibrations if you allow to open yourself.
One thing to remember, it is a foreign developing country. luxury and serenity is a different experience and perception for us modern westerners. If attending this amazing place…I recommend an open mind and heart to everything and everyone. You will not be disappointed. Namaskaar
Comments of Valerie Moselle – Yoga Teacher in California since 2001′ and presently in Santa Cruz “I highly recommend yoga and Satvik Lifestyle Management study with Shukl’acharya. I came to study with him and his wife Samrita His integrity and devotion to the practice of yoga and to living an extraordinarily yogic life are inspiring. He is a skilled and knowledgeable teacher who cares greatly about his students. He is an adept at Ayurveda in the most classical sense, and is a student himself of an honorable line of yogic saints, among them, his Guru, Babaji.
His retreat center and school, the Satvik Sadan, near Bhimtal is both lovely, and conducive to health and wellness. I was fortunate enough to spend a few comfortable days there with my family. We received Ayurvedic massage treatments, complimentary tea brewed from Tulsi grown just outside our rooms, and served delicious satvik meals. A memorable highlight was the traditional fire ceremony at dusk.
Whether a student of yoga, or a traveler looking for a unique and restful experience in India, I highly recommend Shukl’acharya and Satvik Sadan.
Comments of Jaqueline Maree George, Yoga Taecher NSW Australia 220 Soldiers Pt Rd, Salamander Bay, NSW Australia 2317. jackiegeorge(at)
Her son Luke George is the famous motorcycle racing champion.
Being drawn to yoga and mediatation for a few years now, I was offered to teach the yoga classes in town and to take over from my local teacher as she planned to be abroad for a couple of years.
While I was happy to take up this offer, I felt I needed to bolster my knowldge and experience of yoga by taking up a proper training programme. I lloked up yoga centres in India naturally. Though I picked up Satvik Sadan as it made the most sense to me, my well wishers were wary of my choosing a yoga centre simply based on the website and guest comments.
Having completed a month’s training programme, I wish to share my experience with others planning a trip to Satvik Sadan, a place I fully recommend to anyone wishing to be there for any programme on offer. I assure you that you’ll be cared for whatever your need is, in the most comfortable, professional, caring and picturesque surroundings.
I knew my yoga teacher training programme was going to be more than just the basics Even before my arrival, any concerns about the course or safety of travel were taken care of to the highest possible standard. The high level of personal care remained at all times during my stay, from food, comfort, education, wonderful staff and amazing nearby trips. I have only praise.
Shukl’acharya and Samrita took me in as part of their wonderful family. It is not just a livelihood for them, it is a way of life. They let you in their life with history, customs, endless knowledge going back thousands of years.
Yes, you go home very confident in your yoga asanas and knowledge of yoga to teach, Shukl’acharya makes sure of that, but also a small part of the ancent Vedic civilization goes home with you, which no money can buy.
Comments of Wendy Billie, former Director Training at Pfizer, Washington, USA.
“When I discovered the Satvik Sadan during an email search, I intuitively felt it was the perfect place to pursue my yoga teacher training. And even before my arrival to India, the sincerity of communication I received from the Satvik validated my intuition.
I was not only welcomed as a guest at the Satvik, but soon I realized that the yoga training immersed me into a new lifestyle and I felt at home and comforted in this Northern India retreat.
I was fortunate in that I received intense spiritual training into the ancient traditions of yoga and ayurveda by the owner and guru of the Satvik;.
So, whether I was giving thanks and praise to the sun during morning yoga in the rose garden, cooking in the kitchen with the staff as we jointly prepared meals that were best for my unique body constitution, or when I was receiving blessings from an elderly man who became known as the “feather healer”…each moment I cherished and learned ways to find my inner peace and strength.
The members of the staff touched my heart with their kindness and the yoga training I received reenergized my soul and it was during this experience that I felt healthier and more spiritually awakened than I had in years. At different times in life, we all realize the importance of peace and I recommend the Satvik to anyone who wants to not only wants to become certified in yoga training, but who is willing to step out of their normal routine and work with a yogi and staff that teaches you ways to make peace a part of each day by honoring and respecting your body, mind, and spirit. Om Shanti. “